The 劳动力 and 经济发展 Division (WED) of 都会社区学院 是创新劳动力解决方案和社区丰富的领导者吗. 我们的合作伙伴 首先要发展我们的社区,以便经济发展壮大 of the Kansas City metro's citizens; families, businesses, industry, organizations, 和协会.
在世纪挑战,你可以得到有用的教育 你,你是否正在寻找
- 行业证书
- 新技能提升你的事业或
- 与执照或专业发展相关的继续教育学分.
- To S支持企业和行业实现其增长和扩张目标
- To Help individuals obtain的 necessary training for ongoing upward mobility at any level
- To A协助非营利组织完成其使命
- To P与希望提高其成员生活质量的社区合作
- To E消除银河app苹果版服务区域内的收入差距
加入我们的努力,请随意 支持我们的学生奖学金. 你们将帮助人们摆脱贫困,走向可持续发展!
都会社区学院 is a leader in preparing our region's workforce with 职业技术教育. 今天的工业工作场所正在经历快速变化, 银河app苹果版不断创新,以满足随之而来的需求.
银河app苹果版的劳动力 & 经济发展计划和服务旨在提供 short-term and low-cost educational opportunities for high demand workforce occupations, as well as connecting with certificate and degree programs that provide pathways into 在关键行业部门工作.
Our workforce programs use industry business partners to help review our curriculum 确保学生在获得证书后能够“为工作做好准备”.
都会社区学院 (银河app苹果版) Apprenticeship Program offers training solutions 包括动手实践,以工作为基础的现实生活学习方法.
这些解决方案包括学徒计划,旨在满足的需求 改变行业.
银河app苹果版 improves the labor force through the utilization of customized on-the-job training 以及认可的课程.
员工具备最苛刻职位所需的技能 而工作.
The 银河app苹果版 apprenticeship unit has services for business and industries looking to start 一个新注册的学徒或工会希望提高他们的学徒 通过补充课程来获得学位.
银河app苹果版 can serve as a sponsor for a company's apprenticeship program, working with the Department of Labor and providing organizational support while students develop into skilled workers using a combination of on的 job training and classroom instruction.
银河app苹果版 offers many 职业技术教育 programs across its campuses, and those 项目在地区一级进行协调.
We are developing today's workforce for tomorrow, and we also focus on secondary education and career centers, so our partnerships with institutions provide clear pathways from 高中转入工业或四年制大学.
银河app苹果版在其校园内提供许多职业和技术教育(CTE)课程 在不同的社区地点. CTE课程结合了学术和技术技能 具备在劳动力市场取得成功所需的知识和培训.
CTE programs prepare individuals for high demand careers by introducing them to specialized 在实际应用环境中的能力. 这些认证项目可以提供 许多领域的行业认可证书和学位包括:
- 企业管理
- 法律、公共安全、矫正和保安
- 市场营销
- 卫生和医学
- 信息技术
- 供暖、通风和空调
- 制造业
- 工程与技术
- 酒店管理
- 焊接
- 和更多的
银河app苹果版的扩展学习被称为继续教育. 这些培训项目 通过短期劳动力培训,促进终身学习和专业 职业转变和晋升的发展课程.
These wide-ranging programs provide entry level credentials and support extended learning opportunities for professionals including the police, fire fighters, emergency medical technicians, and also prepare students to work in industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, 和运输.
我们的课程满足您的需求,并提供个性化的机会 丰富,劳动力准备和职业发展.
Classes are offered on campuses, at various community sites, or online to make further 为我们所服务的社区的人们提供无障碍学习.
Through the 社区教育 unit, the needs of community members for quality lifelong 通过合作伙伴关系、项目和课程来获得学习机会.
Whatever the interest, WED's 社区教育 unit has what is needed when it comes 为了丰富和乐趣的教育. 提供的课程包括驾驶教育,摩托车 安全和成人在线非学分课程.
企业大学 provides a variety of services for companies to support their sustainability 和经济增长.
These services include customized training and professional development for employees. Consulting services and strategy implementation are also provided to assist with improved 提高效率和增加收入.
公司是否在评估技能差距或提供基本培训来弥补 requirements in safety, or technical skills training, the 企业大学 unit will design and deliver business solutions customized to the specific needs of the business.
企业学院还与地方、州和联邦政府合作 to identify additional supportive resources to reduce or possibly avoid the financial 这些培训和成长服务对业务的影响.
通过企业学院,银河app苹果版可以为企业提供各种服务 want to offer pre-post assessments, and training plan coordination for their employees.
对于大型团队来说,会议可以在现场进行,也可以在场外进行. 公司是否在评估 skill gaps or providing high-quality training to fulfill requirements in Leadership and Soft Skill Integration or HR related subjects, 企业大学 can arrange for 教师、课程和评估.
经济发展组支持企业的经济发展 the community by identifying workforce needs to enter, sustain, and grow a business in a changing world; by assisting and supporting private sector investment; and by 创造机会,创造财富,提高标准 为所服务社区的所有人而生活.
这是通过与社区利益相关者的合作和伙伴关系来实现的, identifying the labor force needs of businesses and industry today as well the future, encouraging entrepreneurialism, being the conduit to introduce supportive resources 促进业务增长和可持续发展,并团结该地区的社区 更广泛地共享经济福祉和生活质量.
经济发展股还与当地工业合作提供协助 他们获得了国家劳动力培训基金. 我们的专业知识和经验 政府和行业合作伙伴对这一进程作出了关键贡献. 在 last few years, 银河app苹果版 has worked with a number of companies to access over $36 million in state funds from the Missouri Works Customized Training program and Missouri Works 新工作培训和工作保留培训计划.
欲了解更多信息,请与我们联系. 我们可以帮助你找到一条通往教育的道路 这很适合你!
The GPOEC provides technical courses on high hazards, occupational safety and environmental compliance topics on的 latest health and safety standards for the four state region 密苏里州、爱荷华州、堪萨斯州和内布拉斯加州.
As the region's only OSHA Education Center, the certified OSHA courses are designed to help participants understand standards and learn的 skills needed to know to avoid 高额罚款和危险事故.
对于商业和工业,确保公司符合联邦OSHA的指导方针 保证员工的安全,降低保险成本,是首要的关注点.
Since 1992, the GPOEC has been的 only OSHA Training Institute Education Center in 提供最新授权培训的地区. 是否需要培训 on-site or in advanced labs and specialized confined-space simulators, companies safety 团队可以接受培训,以满足最新的OSHA标准.
为您或您的公司确定最佳选择,请立即与我们联系. 让我们来帮忙 你会找到适合自己的解决方法.
If 你 are an agency serving individuals in need, become an 银河app苹果版 Ambassador and allow us to partner with 你 to support and assist 你r clients in obtaining a livable wage 在很短的时间内.
As a partner, be the first to receive updates, marketing materials, financial support, 创新培训和新闻. 与银河app苹果版的员工合作 & 经济发展 带来“E”.P.I.C.“改变我们的社区.
它成为现实,当 Everyone Participates In的 C焊割! 一个强大的社区既是一个“受过教育”的社区,也是一个“就业”的社区,两者结合在一起 我们可以做到.
我们的目标 is to provide a well-prepared workforce by partnering with employers, community organizations, governmental agencies, and educational institutions to offer career 预备教育面向广泛的学生.
我们希望不断改善“管道”的清晰和可访问的路径 帮助学生与职业和继续教育联系起来. 我们相信教育 理想情况下,即使学生在工作岗位上,也能持续进行吗. 我们提供新的技能 在不断变化的职业文化中面对新的挑战.
- 你在寻找更多的熟练工人吗?
- Are 你 interested in investing in entry level employees and preparing them for 你r 工作场所?
- 当现有员工的工作发生变化时,你是否需要对他们进行培训?
- 您是否需要提供人力资源培训,但不想在内部处理?
- Do 你 need to assess 你r employees (or potential employees) to find gaps in的ir 技能,这样你就可以为他们定制培训?
- Or, do 你 want assistance connecting to government resources to train 你r workforce?
- 你想要获得行业认可的证书,为高薪做准备吗 工作,有时只需要几个月的学习?
- Do 你r existing credentials require Continuing Education Units or other ongoing education?
- 你正在寻找帮助准备进入劳动力市场吗?
- 你是一个终身学习者,在寻找下一步和感兴趣的课程吗?
- 你想扩大你的技能基础来进一步发展你的职业生涯吗?